Myofascial & soft tissue release

The fascia is a tensile web like structure that envelops all of our organs. It is a connective tissue that groups entire muscle complexes together. Physiotherapy restores parallel alignment of the collagen fibres, restoring tensegrity; the ability of the fascia to absorb physical forces. Soft tissue release is the process of creating a mobile scar. My method of mobilising soft tissue is dynamic. Mobilising a muscle occurs in 3 phases. Firstly with the muscle off the stretch, progressing to working on the muscle on the stretch. Rehabilitation is completed with soft tissue release of the muscle whilst contracting the muscle. Movement is dynamic, therefore we need to align the collagen fibres of a muscle in a dynamic manner.

Movement re-education and targeted strengthening

Following an injury, especially a severe one like an injury to the spine we can become fearful of moving the affected area. Due to this we may also employ compensation strategies by overusing other areas of our body. Where I come in is to re-establish safety of movement, illiminate compensation, and then progress to targeted strengthening. This entails strengthening prime movers in an acceleratory or deceleratory way. Strengthening may also entail core stabilisers of the neck or lumbar spine if indicated.

Joint mobilisation

Mulligans mobilisations, or mobilisations with movement are backed by clinical evidence to provide immediate relief. They are painfree physiotherapy techniques that provide instant outcomes, and long lasting effects. Joint mobilisations entail correcting minor positional faults causing loss of joint range of movement. Repositing joint surfaces to achieve pain free resolution of musculoskeletal problems. Physiotherapy is indeed an art, not a science.

Physiotherapy adjuvants

Dry Needling & taping

Dry needles are used to aid pain caused by trigger point referral. Needling works by flushing a trigger point with nutrients, contributing to accelerated healing. Kineseo taping is used to contribute to alleviating inflammation by lifting the skin. A lattice taping can be used to massively accelerate bruise healing, and contusions. Clinical evidence shows that taping with the fibres of a muscle stimulate contractility of a muscle, whereas taping perpendicular to muscles fibres inhibits muscle fibres.